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Sự khác biệt giữa Máy khắc Laser CO2 và Laser UV

1. Bước sóng Laser:
Laser CO2 hoạt động ở bước sóng 10,6μm, thích hợp để cắt và đánh dấu các vật liệu phi kim loại. tia cực tím, Mặt khác, serves between 200-400nm, lý tưởng để đánh dấu nhựa, thủy tinh, và silicon, có tác dụng nhìn thấy được trên kim loại.

UV laser makring machine

Máy tạo tia UV

2. Phạm vi ứng dụng:
The CO2 laser is ideal for cutting and marking various non-metallic materials such as electronic components, rubber products, thủy tinh, paper, leather goods, clothing accessories, ceramics, food items, and medical equipment. The UV laser is suitable for marking plastics, thủy tinh, và silicon, providing clear marks on metals, and is commonly used in industries like mobile phones, electronics, auto parts, and instrumentation.

3. Marking Effects:
CO2 lasers offer different processing depths for effects like back-cutting, and anti-counterfeiting, tailored to production requirements. Meanwhile, initially, UV lasers create surface explosions or changes, enabling precise, smooth-edged, small markings with high resolution and accuracy.

CO2 Laser marking machine

CO2 Laser marking machine

4. Conclusion:
CO2 and UV laser systems have unique characteristics and applications in various industries. Companies should carefully choose the suitable laser technology according to their specific needs to improve production efficiency, cut costs, and achieve better economic and social outcomes.

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