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Benefits of Laser Tube Cutting

Benefits of Laser Tube Cutting


1. Precision & Accuracy
Tube laser cutting is more precise and accurate. This is mainly due to the CNC systems that manage the position of the laser head.

Accuracy is cutting parts as close to the desired dimensions as possible. Tube laser cutting involves a high-power laser concentrated at a small point (measured as spot diameter) on the material surface. The smaller spot diameter and the stability of CNC systems allow tube laser cutters to hold tight tolerances.

Precision is the ability to replicate the same accuracy for all cuts. CNC systems can repeat the same motion with extreme precision, making them a vital part of laser cutting.

Laser Tube Cutting Machine Being used for Exhaust Pipe Manufacturing

Laser Tube Cutting Machine Being used for Exhaust Pipe Manufacturing

2. Versatility & Flexibility

Traditional tube cutting is limiting and often lacks precise control, essential for intricate designs. Laser tube cutting enables precise and small cuts in the material, enhancing versatility compared to other methods.

Lasers are particularly effective at cutting through materials with a thickness of 1 inch (25.4milímetros) or more without causing warping or deformation. Creating holes poses a significant challenge for most cutting technologies, as the hole edges tend to melt and distort. Laser technology can effectively cut through holes in thick metals without causing excessive heat damage to the surrounding areas.

3. Faster Cutting Speed

Traditional or manual tube-cutting techniques are inherently slow because of human involvement. A person requires concentration to keep the cuts accurate and resting time after handling heavy cutting machinery.

Human operators have to prioritize one attribute: accuracy or speed. By comparison, lasers can maintain speed and accuracy for hours without a break. A laser-cutting machine can operate indefinitely if its cooling requirements are maintained.

4. Zero Material Waste

Accidents or errors while cutting can ruin the entire tube design, resulting in material wastage. Laser tube cutting minimizes material wastage since errors are seldom made in the cutting process.

Minimal material waste and high cutting speed can help businesses achieve maximum productivity.

Laser Tube Cutting Machine Cutting Intricate Pattern onto a Stainless Steel Pipe

Laser Tube Cutting Machine Cutting Intricate Pattern onto a Stainless Steel Pipe

5. Zero Tool Wear

Mechanical tube-cutting technology, such as grinders, electric saws, and hydraulic blades, will wear after repeatedly rubbing against metal workpieces. Laser tube cutting is a non-contact process where tool wear is not a concern.

6. Smoother Finish

The precision of a cut depends on the sharpness of the tool and the heat generated during the process. High temperatures can cause the edges to melt and distort, resulting in a subpar result. Using a laser beam with a smaller diameter reduces heat transfer to the material. In addition, laser technology prevents tool wear, making sharpness less important.

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